To Goanet -

I was near Verna this morning and on a whim decided to drop
by the proposed SEZ site there.  The vast expanse of this land
giveaway is hard to convey through pictures.  You have to go 
there and see for yourself.  Only then will the appropriate level 
of outrage set in.  The people who thought it fit to hand over
these large quantities of Goan acreage to outsiders ought to 
be charged for crimes against the people of Goa.  Cheek-by-jowl
is the Verna Industrial Estate (or what I call, GGWSM - Goa Govt's 
Welfare Scheme for Migrants).

Don't mind the harsh lighting conditions in these photographs.
At that late morning hour I wasn't in it for landscape photography.

The first gate we encountered, where a guard from Orissa promptly
arrived on the scene -

A short distance away, another gate.  This time a car appeared
and the two men in it gave me menacing stares (not that they
had any effect) -

A close-up of the gate reveals the SEZ promoter's identity -

Construction on this site began even before it was notified -

A section of the vast land for the proposed SEZ -

View in the opposite direction, of the Zuari river basin -

Warm regards,


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