Dear Dr.Gilbert,

One of the Ten Commandments is, "Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour."
Neither Dr. Santosh Helekar not I have written anything about
"original attack". I only mentioned that the term "Unprovoked" is
incorrect ...because I believe that beating up a man, his driver and
his police security is an act of provocation ...specially when
tensions are already running high.

Killing of one man has provoked a World War to erupt. That it was
waiting to happen is exactly the point I want to underscore. Economic
disparity is the surest way to provoke the others. The Regional Plan
and SEZ protests are also manifestation of that divide. What does it
feel when the price of a plot of land soars up to Rs.40,000/- per
square metre or a flat in Miramar costs Rs.15 million?

A MINORITY should never trigger a fight unless they have called in the
reinforcements and they are on stand-by mode ...... or summon the US
Sixth or Seventh Fleet at short notice ;-)

family members in Gogo-Margao. They will tell you what is the use of
martyrdom... 20 years after the sacrifice.

Gujarat is a different cup of tea. One does not need to drum up that
example everytime there is a communal fight.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 6:08:43 -0800
From: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

Pardon me for displaying my ignorance on his issue.

Both posts below claim of an "original attack".
Even if there was an original attack, this looks like a repeat of the
Gujarat riots saga. Who ever starts it, the chaos spins our of control
with loss of life and property, most of the brunt suffered by the
minority.  Then to claim the government could / cannot "do much to
stop it" is specious.

Do we want another Gujarat or Rwanda type event ... who and however it
was started?

>From the Telegraph:
Though the Swami believes that the 'violence was spontaneous', the
attack on him 'was orchestrated', to eliminate him. And that has put
the region's Hindus on the "defensive," he said, while talking to The

Kind Regards, GL

---------------- Miguel Braganza

AFTER attacking the vehicle with a swami and injuring his driver and
POLICE security officer, can one truthfully claim that the violence
was unprovoked? If the answer is an assertive YES, I am your fairy

--------------- Santosh Helekar >

The interest of communal harmony would have been better served if this
official religious body had acknowledged  that these horrendous acts
of violence also involved, and were most likely provoked by, an attack
on a swami, as had been mentioned by Miguel and others.

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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