--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Selma Elizabeth Carvalho,
>     I respect your opinion. But it is wrong to say
> that Bible TEACHES that 
> Eve was created out of Adam's rib. This is a
> symbolic description to show 
> that the woman has equal rights as the male. 

Dear Fr. Ivo,

We are in complete agreement here. The Bible is at
best a quasi-historical and literary document and if
one wishes to imbibe lessons from it, then one is at
liberty to do so. I also imbibe equally powerful
lessons reading the Greek myths, but at no point do I
consider any of them to be divinely inspired.

So to get back to the point I was making, it is
impossible for two differing positions to be tenable
concurrently. One either believes that the Bible is a
book written by earthly writers who are subject to
their own human perceptions and limitations of
knowledge that exist at the time, or one believes that
the Bible was Divinely inspired ergo everything in it
has to be infallible, right down to keeping slaves,
sacrificing your daughters or sons, and so on and so

In sum my point is, Christianity is A religion. It is
not superior to any other religion, infact it hardly
stands the test of wisdom when compared with what say
Socrates or Pythagoras had to offer circa the same
period of time. When we get over the supremacy of any
religion, I think we can embrace spirituality with
much more passion.

On this note I would like to add that by and large,
most Christians have already gotten over the need to
feel superior and are infact quite secular and
tolerant in their outlook.


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