Dear Cecil,

I think you got the bull by the tail ;-)

The Telegraph Editor wrote:
"Why, then, can West Bengal not share in the Goan idyll? It would
require spreading development to the countryside — but surely that is
what everyone wants. It would require Bengalis to speak English — why
is English being taught to children if not to speak it? It
wouldrequire beautifying West Bengal's countryside — and, in the
longonths, when foreign tourists do not come, people who live in West
Bengal can enjoy that beauty."

And this is what I wrote to him:

Thank you for acknowledging Goa's development model as worthy of
emulating elsewhere in India. Our Governor, a native of strife-torn
Nagaland, never tires of telling fellow Naga people to learn the
peaceful ways of the Goans [I use this as an "inclusive" term for the
people residing permanently in Goa, no mater where they were born or

 Goa is God's Own Abode and we thank our leaders for the sagacity to
acknowledge this when reminded by the people.....  when the leaders
are tempoarily blinded by power and pelf. Those who do not come to
their senses, we reject. They go not to hell but to a political
purgatory or trishanku.

Thank God, Digambar Kamat was, and is, not like that ....whatever
other compulsions his opponents may impute on him.

Warm regards,

Miguel Braganza

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 9, 2008 7:47 PM

The editorial below appeared in The Telegraph - Calcutta on 7th January 2008.



Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, when faced with opposition to a special
economic zone in Nandigram, sent policemen there. When the local
people reacted unfavourably, columns of partymen went in. He addressed
a meeting of those who survived and conquered, and announced there
would be no SEZ. His counterpart in Goa, Digambar Kamat, when faced
with similar opposition, did not bother to instil respect for the
State in his people. As soon as a non-governmental organization raised
a few flags, he cancelled all SEZs. He obviously does not care for the
development of his state — the thousands of jobs SEZs would bring, and
with them, the tall chimneys, glass-covered office buildings, rows of
cars outside them, the entire paraphernalia of development. But
perhaps Mr Kamat thinks of another kind of development — development
in which rich foreigners frolic on the beach, stay in coconut-thatched
huts, laze around and sip feni under sunshades. Except for good
beaches, West Bengal has all that Goa has — beautiful landscape, lush
vegetation, plenty of waterbodies — why did not its chief minister
think of development in the terms that Goans do?

Serving foreigners, making West Bengal beautiful, enjoying life —
somehow it sounds shocking. But it is shocking only to communists who
see virtue in toil, or to Protestants who make religion of work. But
it is all in the mind; and
if only the mindset changed, the path to development would be so much
smoother, and its end so much more enjoyable.
As the Goans would say, "Get a life, man".


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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