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The perspective below of how the editorial writers of the Calcutta
Telegraph see their Bangali CM reminded me of something I heard today
after a match at Fatorda. It came to from a former General Secretary
of the GFA. This is how it goes:
Jovntalo jovon ghelo
sopear boslealacho aand kadlo

The one having an affair took off after doing his deed (illicit/ say
extramarital or whatever)
The one sitting* on the balcao lost his testicles/ had his testicles
snatched/ ripped off.

* just some tired soul resting


> From: "Cecil Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Goa and Goans insulted in Calcutta Telegraph
>        editorial

> Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, when faced with opposition to a special
> economic zone in Nandigram, sent policemen there. When the local
> people reacted unfavourably, columns of partymen went in.

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