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Vivian has very beautifully explained an important
problem in Goa, namely the exploitation of the poor
migrant laborers by their employers. However, I am not
sure it is the same problem that Rajan rails against.
It appears that for Rajan the migrant laborers
themselves are the problem. 

Very few people would claim that there are no problems
related to migrants and tourists in Goa. 

The question is, is blaming the migrants and tourists
themselves for it, or shooting them, even if
metaphorically, the solution?



--- "Vivian A. DSouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     It is the exploitation of the poor migrant
> laborers that galls me however. We see these all
> over the Goa.  By the Mandovi river, and wherever
> construction is taking place there are encampments
> of workers.  They are probably brought in by
> contractors, paid a pitiful wage, and forced to live
> in tattered tents  with their families including
> young babies, along the roadside and any other
> vacant space around.  In the morning you can see the
> bottle brigade heading for the closest bush to
> defecate.  The stench of excrement assaults the
> senses especially when one is walking on the road,
> as opposed to driving by.  The Law as I understand
> it, requires contractors to provide toilet
> facilities to their laborers.  I have yet to see a
> construction site where toilet facilities are
> provided to the workers. This is what
>   Rajan has been portraying in words and pictures.
> It is the naked truth. Call it arrogant, brash, or
> whatever, but the it is still the truth.
>     Vivian

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