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In a place called Sweden, actually, they have none !
   The Kingdom of Sweden had a State Religion for five centuries, the Lutheran 
Church, as did three other Protestant nations in Europe. In a major turnaround, 
they have extended identical monetary support to ALL religions, for the last 
thirty years.
    About ten years ago, the Press in Sweden reported on the newly appointed 
Minister for Religion : he is the person who appoints Bishops and controls 
church pursestrings. It turned out that the man was not a Believer !  An 
incredulous King summoned the PM and sought an explanation.
    HM was not prepared for the answer : There were none in the Realm, he was 
told, in the ranks of the college educated !  The King then suggested he saw 
hypocrisy in a law that named him the head of a Church that apparently did not 
    The Minister agreed, a new law was drafted, and Sweden is now a secular 
    The moral of this story : Perhaps there is something to be said for the 
many Gods of the world's oldest surviving religion.                       eric.

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