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 Convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyan (GBA) Dr Oscar Rebello has been nominated 
  for CNN-IBN's Indian of the Year Award 2007 in public service category

Vote for him at:


To Goanet -

Alfred de Tavares wrote:
>Dear Joe, Rajan, Could you not extend your magnificient, tres mechant 
>photo-exposures of the Goan filth to include the toilets-conditions 
>obtaining in the premises such as highlighted below? 

Dear Alfred,

In one word, no.  My capacity to do work on the ground is finite.  
What I can, I do, in a way that best suits my limited capabilities, 
and I choose to address those issues that to me appear exigent and 
whereI think I can make a difference, however small.

Roland's "Mapusa Lawyer's Office" story is indicative of the 1001
problems we have here in Goa.  It also dramatically underscores
the point I have been making all these weeks: the entire state of
Goa now risks becoming like the bathroom in Roland's Mapusa 
Lawyer's Office thanks to the migrants descending on us in droves.  
The ghatis will guarantee that Goa is transformed into an outdoor 
commode, urinal and spittoon all in one.  A Bihari or an Oriya will 
soon feel right at home here with the rising squalor and filth.

Those comfortably ensconced in Stockholm and Houston may 
not have quite grasped the seriousness of it all.  There are Goans 
who get up every morning here only to be greeted with the sight 
of defecating ghatis in the distance and the stench of the refuse.  
Staff at the Goa State Museum in Patto tell me of their woes about
navigating through ghati faeces every single day on the way to 
their buildings.  It can - and will - only get worse.

What is it to you or to someone from Houston or Toronto to sit at 
the computer and whip out delicious sweet nothings about love for 
fellow human beings?  



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