Hi Jose

Re your contribution below to this discussion on anti-Catholic writing, would I be wrong to point out that, as there is no such thing as caste in Roman Catholicism, any 'maintenance' of caste by the Confrarias and caste adherents is wholly wrong and anti-Catholic as it contaminates Roman Catholicism? Thus, when this is written about, surely, it is not anti-Catholic at all and ought to be thoroughly applauded!

PS I have retained appropriate sections of your post so that matters become clear to our kind readers.


jc's response:

Dear Cornel,

You are quite right. There is no such thing as "caste" in Christianity and hence in Roman Catholicism. In fact the practice of "caste" is quite opposite to the teachings of Christ. Accordingly, it must be said that that those who practise the "caste" system are not Christians.

Gilbert, I believe, was making a slight different point i.e. that we must 'also condemn Catholics for their anti-Catholic writing'

My question to him was whether Gilbert would criticise or applaud those who wrote against the abusive priests from whichever religious faith; in his case ... Catholicism?

The additional question - related to those who chose to Cover Up or remain silent - much to the detriment of those genuinely abused and also to the detriment of the vast majority of good priests.

I am not sure that Gilbert has responded to my query

good wishes


Gilbert Lawrence wrote: as we condemn the anti-Catholic writings of
Bajrang Dal, VHP, RSS, Shiv Sena, etc.; let us also condemn Catholics
for their anti-Catholic writing.

J. Colaco  wrote in response: I disagree with Gilbert Lawrence wrt his
view as stated above.

Nay, I would say ...applaud those who have the courage who criticise
on a justifiable basis. Would Gilbert criticise or applaud those who
wrote against the abusive priests from whichever religious faith?

What would Gilbert say about those who remained silent and helped
perpetuate the harm to those at risk AND those priests(the majority, I
submit) who were not involved?

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