Here is my Tribute which I have written for my dear sis-in-law (my brother's 
wife) Ana who expired after a brief illness of deadly cancer, six months back.  
I would appreciate if this is in included on the 22nd January as it is her 


Thanks again and God Bless.  Keep the good work that you are doing!!


Arlette Azavedo







The Lord plucked the most precious flower from our garden; He found Ana most 
pleasing to His heart and took her away to be amongst the beautiful flowers in 
His garden. The Lord shall nourish Ana with His gentle hands. 


Ana our dearly have touched our hearts. Standing in shock and awe, 
we wipe our tears. As the "homegoing" news of our loved one we heard, our 
hearts ache as we wonder why? From our happy home God has taken one we loved 
most, Ana was too young to die. There were so many things for her to do. We 
little knew that fateful evening that God was going to call her name. In Life 
we loved you, Ana dearly; in death we do the same. It breaks our hearts to lose 
you, Ana you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day God called 
you home. You left us beautiful memories your love is still our guide, and 
although we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is 
broken and nothing seems to be the same, but as God calls us one by one, the 
chain will link again.


Your memories of laughing, charming smile, warmth and the unconditional love 
that you gave so freely and without compromise, shall remain with us for 
eternity. Your ability to love showed how big a heart you had. You were only 
one of its kind which we shall never ever find in this whole wide world. You 
were so vivacious and ready to lend your helping hand.  There was never sadness 
in your eyes only happiness which you used to spread where ever you went.  Your 
smile was your forte and you could turn a gloomy situation into an enchantment. 
 Your simplicity and gentleness was a gift from above. You were strength to us 
and I shall never forget all the things that you have done to me, specially. 
For me, you were not just my sister-in-law, but also my friend, you were always 
there for me, for this you will always be in our hearts, and every time I 
picture you Ana, I smile. I know that you are still there watching over 
everyone you love and making sure that we are ok, and happy.


You have left a rich heritage behind and that is Abigail and Ashton where you 
taught them the morals and values of life. Your bright eyes, and a tender smile 
and a loving heart knew no guile, Deep trust in God you had, You had the joy to 
make some other's lives bright, Your gentle act of love you showed us with no 
thought of yourself but of the others.


On that Sunday, God came and took you to a beautiful new home where you will 
never feel pain again, for this I am glad, because you so much deserve to be 
that wonderful person that we will always remember the Ana full of resilient 
energy and just being you.  Ofcourse, we all miss you very much, specially on 
your Birthday on 22nd January, but we know that you are in God's home now, and 
that you are happy, healthy, and watching over us all. God gave us an Angel in 
YOU, and we will always be so thankful, and every time we look at the stars, or 
the bright white clouds in the clear sky, we will remember you, and your 
eternal love. I know you share heaven with the Lord.


Ana, I shall not say that you are dead, you are just away; with a cheery smile 
and a wave of the hand you have wandered into an unknown land. You are God's 
Precious child, swept away by Angels on a Heavenly flight.  You are loved, 
missed nevertheless your memories carry us through, as the Angles have carried 
you. You are borne away from pain and sorrow to a nobler rest above. No one 
knows how much we miss you, none but aching hearts can tell; lost on earth, but 
found in heaven. Your dearly loved Asterio, Abigail and Ashton and all your 
family members shall recall your smiling and pleasant face knowing that 
someday, we shall clasp our hands in a better place, never to part again.


This is a tribute to my dearly beloved Ana, who was one of the most wonderful 
person anyone could ever meet. She was always full of life, love and happiness, 
and I truly miss her with all my heart. Ana, you have left us; however, you 
truly have left a special imprint in our lives.

Though it hurts to lose a loved one, it is most painful to grieve. Rather, we 
remember the blessings our dear Ana has left behind, with so many wonderful 


Finally, I quote Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by 
the moments that take our breath away. And in the end, it's not the years in 
our lives that count. It's the life in our years.

Missing you....till date.

Arlette & Valeriano



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