Late evening of January 21 2008 around 7.00 pm two policemen from Quepem Police 
Station came over to the house of Rama Velip in Colamb village in Sanguem 
taluka and asked him to call up PI Mhahmal in Quepem Police Station. When Rama 
Velip did so from his resident landline someone who identified himself as PI 
Mhahmal came took the receiver and threatened Rama Velip that if the villagers 
continue to march on the Fomento mines then he will arrest all the villagers. 
The reason he gave was that the land on which open cast iron ore mine is 
operated by Fomentos (TC No. 06/1949 of Hiralal Khodidas) for the purpose of 
International mining trade is a private land. The villagers who forced 
themselves on the mines yesterday January 21 2008 were trespassing and 
therefore liable for arrests and trial for criminal trespass. Therefore 
according to the Police villagers must refrain from such action in the near 

Now after proof of all the illegalities in the mine under consideration if 
police wants to protect mining company then is it not acting in the private 
interest of the mining company i.e. Fomentos? It is indeed amazing as to how 
one of the few upright officers currently in the Goa Police force is getting 
arm twisted by the mining company. Still PI Mhahmal kept the option of denial 
of his action by not giving the threat directly to Rama Velip and 
administrating it only on the phone. This is exactly the method by which mining 
companies have been bulldozing public interest in favor of private mining 
interest. However his threats needs to be taken seriously and diagnosed 

Fomentos have the reputation of using Police force to bulldoze their will over 
the throats of People. Ten years ago the company did exactly the same in Cacra 
village of Tiswadi Taluka when it wanted to annihilate this coastal village by 
dumping some 50,000 tonnes of cement. Police party camped at the site and the 
drilling operation was going on under police patrolling. The project then was 
the construction of Off Stockyard and Berth (OSB). The food was being supplied 
regularly from the nearby Fomentos five star hotel Cidade de Goa. And police 
was acting entirely in private interest of the corporate against public 
interest. Later on Fomentos got Police to illegally arrest then convener of 
Cacra Nagrik Vikas Samiti (CNVS) and was beaten up at Goa Velha Police station 
under the supervision of PI Sammy Tavares. Detail paper in this regard was 
presented at recently concluded state level workshop on ‘Land, Mining and 
Adivasis in Goa’ in Panjim.  

In Colamb too few villagers were picked few months ago and harassed at the 
Quepem Police Station and released without any charges. The reason is that they 
were protesting Fomentos mining of their village. In Cavrem village a month ago 
message was sent to the villagers that in case they do not let the Fomentos 
mine to operate then it will deploy 700 policemen and carry on the mining 
activity under police protection. So he we have serious series of example that 
lead us to believe that mining industry in general and Fomentos in particular 
is heading to transform Goa in to Police State. It is precisely it is because 
of this reason that citizens and democratic forces all over the world needs to 
unite against Police transforming itself from defenders of citizens in 
democracy to mafia in uniform of the mining company. The trend indeed is 
dangerous and deserves our strongest protest and condemnation. Fomentos are 
trying to achieve what they could not by offers of Carrots by administration of 
Stick. It however forgets that every action has equal and opposite reaction not 
only in Newtonian Physics but also in Society.

PI Mhahmal could do better to read his criminal law books again, particularly 
study sections 96 to 101 of Indian penal Code. That will enlighten his further 
on law of self defense that Colamb Adivasi villagers are actioning. People are 
forced to physically go and close down the mining precisely due to betrayal by 
Judiciary of common People of Colamb. And just because judiciary and 
administration is silenced by mining industry people should accept death? What 
you say PI Mhahmal? Will you still initiate your threat? Time will tell and we 
shall all be watching and witnessing your and your departments’ action in this 
case. Please don’t forget public interest rates higher than private interest of 
the mining company; public will assert its interest at any cost not 
withstanding your threats of arrests.

For that matter had not mining companies created and run this State of Goa as 
their private fiefdom for past 46 years? Surely you the answer to this PI 
Mhamal; State has always been an executive committee of the mining industry in 
Goa. And State includes Police too. PI Mhahmal as a sensible officer you must 
apply your common sense and think before dishing out the threats that is it not 
worthwhile to risk one ones life in defense of ones land and livelihood? In the 
case of Colamb it is their rice cultivation spaces which is their primary 
concern; how long people can survive on compensation offered by mining 
companies? Only idiots who has no love for physical work in their agriculture 
could survive this and there are none of them in Colamb village. So if rice is 
gone under the mines what is to be substitute? Mining dust perhaps! Surely you 
agree to this PI Mhamal. Don’t you? 


An adivasi-rights resource centre,
An initiative of Gawda, Kunbi, Velip, and Dhangar Federation (GAKUVED)
"Hari Smriti"
381, Dhulapi, Corlim, Ilhas,
Goa. Pincode: 403 110 

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