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             Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
                  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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Dear Kevin,
Let me wish you Happy Birthday! Many happy returns of the day! (This message 
may reach you late today, because our server was not working for some time). 
May God give you whatever you wish! You have been blessed by God with so 
many gifts. On this day you will
understand better the plight of the poor, downtrodden tribals of India (whom
we call Dalits and classify under Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes,
though they are outside the the caste system. They do not belong to any
caste and are regarded as 'outcast'.)

You wrote: <> What would you call fighting for the rights of "Christian
Dalits" who
> knew full well that they were giving up their rights to reserved
> status when they converted (or maybe that was glossed over in their
> catechism classes).
>*The Church is fighting for the rights of the Christian Dalits, precisely 
>because they are downtrodden and poor. The Church is helping them, but she 
>cannot replace the State. Dalits should have reservations, not because they 
>belong to a caste ( in fact, they are outcast), but because they are 
>repressed and poor and cannot compete with the powerful people. These 
>Christian tribals are called Dalits precisely because of their miserable 
>situation and classified by the Government as Scheduled castes/Scheduled 
>Tribes. Why should they not get the same benefits that are given to Hindu, 
>Buddhist and Sikh Dalits? They have not given up their human rights with 
>their conversion to Christianity. Catechism classes should teach them to 
>fight oppression and be liberated from all shackles. They are also children 
>of God.

>> <<You wrote: <<Instead of reserving quotas for oppressed peoples, give
> them the tools to rise on their own merits which will take a few
> generations (and a good christian education ;-) ... Trying to do it
> overnight with special quotas is counter-productive and creates
> tensions with bonafide applicants.  Land is no longer a measure of
> status.....
>> subjugated them and took away their land.
>*Their lands were snatched away by the powerful. They cannot rise on their 
>own merits, they are being oppressed by the rich, bold and powerful, they 
>cannot compete with unequal. Can handicapped or disabled people (though 
>called 'mentally challenged' or 'differently abled') compete with the 
>normal people? They need a special treat, separate schools and training 
>centres. Children cannot compete with adults. This may create tension for 
>others, but then let the situation be normalized. This is not 'overnight', 
>it is for the last 60 years that it is being sought for. It should not be 

>> What "freedom" are you referring to? One that exists without
>> opportunity to earn a better living and removes the ability to apply
>> for help in the quest for upward mobility?
>*There is no freedom for them, they are oppressed, upward mobility is 
>impossible in the present situation. Only when the situation is changed, 
>will they be able to earn their livelihood.
> Self help and a secular education (which is now freely available to
> all) is the best route to upward mobility.  Depending on hand-outs and
> special status delays that "freedom".
> *They cannot help themselves, therefore they need the help of the Church 
> and of the Government. Secular education will not give them any 
> upliftment... If the rich and powerful people are seeking admission to the 
> Catholic schools and colleges, why should they not have also Catholic 
> education in the Catholic schools and colleges? They are grateful to the 
> Christian missionaries for the education and integral development that 
> they receive from them.They need special status in their difficult 
> situation. They are not able to use their 'freedom', because they are 
> repressed, suppressed and depressed...
Enjoy your birthday!

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