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Dear Melvyn,

The point you have raised is very valid but first let me clear what appears 
to be a misunderstanding. The Wedding Special was the third set of the 
wedding I attended, which was then followed by the Masala Mix set where the 
buffet is thrown open while most people are on the dance floor. This is done 
to avoid overcrowding in the line and is a very good system. This was then 
followed by the Slow Romantic set and then the Jolly Good Fellow thingy.

But yes I see your point. Most people assume the consumption of dinner is 
the conclusion of the wedding. I have addressed this issue repeatedly in my 
bestselling guidebook, "Surviving Goan Catholic Wedding Receptions". 
Bringing the buffet earlier will compound the problem even further and as 
you mention there will be no guests left.

The solution as I see it is to turn the whole thing on its head and have the 
buffet served even before the first note of music is played. That is the 
buffet is thrown open at the very beginning of the wedding. Let people eat 
and drink when they want to. Of course one runs the risk of a few people 
just coming eating and going away without even waiting for the Wedding 
Special. Quite frankly let them go! The wedding will be better off without 
those greedy people's presence.

Watch the Mario Puzo Godfather trilogy. All three movies start off with a 
grand wedding/celebration. The buffet is served at the beginning and not at 
the end. And see how sucessful the movies were!




On 24/01/2008, melvyn misquita  wrote:
> Hi Cecil,
> While it is true that "punctual guests are rewarded with music, drinks
> and eats instead of having to wait for the latecomers" there is also a
> growing tendency in Goa for guests and many relatives to leave the
> reception minutes after they place the desert bowl on their respective
> tables.
> If that happens, the bridal couple, MC and the toast master would have
> little or no "crowd" left to conduct "the Wedding Special, the Wedding
> March, Toast Raising, Cake Cutting, First Waltz etc". We are then back
> to square one -- not enough crowd to commence the proceedings!
> But then, if the new system is in place, would we have the 'He's-the-
> jolly-good-fellow' kiss immediately after the Wedding Special or would
> it take place at the beginning of the reception? What did happen at the
> wedding that you attended?
> Regards,
> Melvyn 

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