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I am still awaiting Bhandare's reply to this excellent post by Philip.

Incase there was a reply, i may have missed it. If that is the case, i would
be glad if some goanetter emails me the same !!



PS: Has the discussion gone haywire :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear All:

Following he action of the colomb villagers, the
following questions arise, which i fel are very

1. was the fomentos mine operating legally as per the
existing laws ? whether the existing law is fair or
not is not the issue.

2. was the intimidatory action of the villagers legal?
prima facie it doesnt seem so.

3. Finally, is mobocracy going to be the prefered
solution to pressing problems facin goa ,like mining,
garbage issue and other burning problems?

I would appreciate if these questions are discussed.



From: "PhilipNeri deSouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Mr. Bhandare,

Some good questions have been raised by you, I for one don't think you (or
for that matter anybody else) will find the "Real Answers" to the questions
if you sit at the computer.

Since you are interested in knowing the answers, I feel you would want dare
to live among the affected people at least for three months. I'm sure the
poor villagers would be too happy to have you as their guest.

On earlier occasions some goaneters have enjoyed the hospitality of the
simple villages.

They have also had guests from UK, US, Austria, Germany (distinguished
people who would have otherwise have stayed in seven stared hotels.)

I recall, I too had asked the same questions.

I found the answers to all those questions when I began to stay in village.

Should your good-self decide to take the plunge to have a good experience
for self discovery, board a local bus from Margao / Sanvordem and alight at

I can assure you, the moment your foot touched the soil, you would feel

Prior to that, take time off to read CSE's 6th Report on the State of
India's Environment - RICH LANDS POOR PEOPLE.

For your kind information, way back in January 2006, the Governor of Goa
during a visit to the villages had remarked that when the Administration and
Civil Society (I suppose it includes you and me too) becomes blind, deaf and
dumb, to the neglect and exploitation taking place, in the name legality, it
is the beginning of Naxalism.

I don't know why, but I am convinced that a good and upright person like you
will do something about it.

Philip Neri

  • [G... Bhandare
    • ... George Pinto
    • ... Tony Correia-Afonso
    • ... Seb dc
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
        • ... Seb dc
          • ... Frederick Noronha

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