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             Symposium on Pre-Primary & Primary School Education & 
                  Primary School Students Chess Tournament

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--- Kamalaksh Chari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for not supporting fellow Goan and praising
> mistakes done by 
> Non-Goans.
> Keep it up.
> Regards,
> Kamalaksh
Oh dearie me!

There's a common misconception in India, that it is
Catholic Goans who feel a cultural dissonance with the
rest of India. Reading Rajan's recent call for
autonomy, the rabid use of the the word "ghantis" by
the BJP coterie, the calls for "Ghanti go home", and
the venom with which RNK has been attacked for being a
"madrassi" trying to tell Goans about Goenkarponn,
that misconception has been shattered, alongwith
several other misconceptions such as Goa is the
epitome of cultural and religious tolerance.

Whatever cultural dissonance Goan Catholics may feel
in heartland India, has been long mitigated by having
spent a life in diaspora by many of them. Having to
earn a living in alien cultures necessarily means
having to be tolerant and embracing of other cultures,
religions and ideologies.

I support and like a lot of people on this list. I
like Rajan Parriker as much as I like Gadgil, I like
FN as much as I like Doc Jose, I like Santosh as much
as I like Gilbert, I like Fr. Ivo as much as I like
Kevin Saldanha, I like Cornel as much as I like the
Catholic Church ;-)

Something you might want to learn, Chari, is that it
is possible to like people across cultures, religions,
states, nationalities and ideologies. It is possible
to respect the person even if one does not agree with
their views. Just ask yourself one question Chari,
what is it that makes us fundamentally human?


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  • [G... Radhakrishnan Nair
    • ... Carvalho
      • ... J. Colaco < jc>
    • ... Kamalaksh Chari
      • ... Carvalho
        • ... anand virgincar
          • ... JOHN MONTEIRO
          • ... Carvalho
          • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

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