Thanks Albert for pointing my error. I made a major mistake. My
sentence should have been: Upon looking at Reena's language, "And here
I always thought Chari was a Tamilian!" -- it in no way explicitly
SUGGESTS that Chari is not a
surname belonging to the Goan soil.
To the contrary, and to my
understanding (reading or misreading) it evokes surprise, as in
exuberance at being aware that Chari could also be a Goan surname; an
awareness as supported by "And here I always thought..." She is
opening herself up here -- how such exclamations are recived is
another matter. Perhaps she could have framed it as, " I am curious to
know (OR Please could you tell me) what the antecedents of the surname
Chari (or some other surname)are?" There is however every possibility
that even a seemingly straight forward question like this could elicit
an untoward or aggrieved response. All one can do is to consider
whether the intent is genuine; is the person really mocking and
proceed accordingly as you did in your second paragraph. The
information incidentally is helpful. I have a friend the pianist
Madhav Chari, and was aware though not in any specifics that there is
more to that surname, as is the case with other surnames too.
Reena, mea maxima culpa.


> From: Albert Desouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Chari

> And here I always thought Chari wasa Tamilian!" -- it in no way explicitly 
> rejects that Chari is not asurname belonging to the Goan soil.
> Albert writes
> Who says that chari is not a goan surname? There are so many charis in Goa. 
> If you go to Merces for example there are so many charis so too in Revora.
> albert

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