Dear Frederick-bab, You may or may not have brought up some interesting issues 
in your fairly lengthy discourse ( which has followed the mailing I sent to 
Selma )....however , I do not think I shouldget any credit for throwing up 
these " interesting issues ". If you have a look back at my reply to Selma-bai, 
( and usea degree of logic ), you will note that I was not being in any way 
apologetic for not being a very devout Hindu.All I was trying to say that if 
the previous posting madeby her was hurtful to someone like myself , it was 
likelyto cause a much more severe reaction in those who aremore concerned above 
their religious affiliation than I am. Excuse me for not going into too much 
more detail withrespect to your very considerable literary effort. Whileit is 
not easy for me to decipher your no doubt very" professional " effort, the 
vague and sweeping remarkslike the one which says that Catholic institutions in 
Goadisallow the developement of liberal and forward thinkingpersonalities , do 
make me wonder about which institutionsand ,even , which Goa you are speaking 
about.In passing, if this is your idea about Catholic schools , youwill be 
delighted to know that Manohar Parrikar went toLoyola High School in the course 
of his education......that , my dear friend , is my personal gift to you in 
your one point mission to whip up more sentiments against the one threat to the 
 current Congress goverment's onepoint mission to destroy Goa . luv and 
regards,anand ( Dr Anand Virgincar )  

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