Dear Philip-bab ,  Thanks for taking the time to read through and repond to my 
mail. Before we proceed further in our little discussion , let us set the  
agenda a bit more clearly ( so that there is no confusion either between the 
two of us and more importantly for the readers...too often have I seen debates 
on Goanet going round in unending  circles with those involved speaking at 
cross purposes ) Before we launch into a more detailed discussion about the  
political options, I need a clarification regarding whether you  feel there is 
some route other than what I have proposed to bring about a sustained change 
for the better in Goa. Just to put my question in context :  You said : The 
need of the hour is for a wholistic perspective of Goa where inflexion points 
are identified over the long haul and steps outlined to prevent backsliding in 
the future.   I said : My long term agenda is also to identify the faults in 
our system and prevent backsliding. But , I strongly feel that the " need of 
the hour "  is to have a stable and responsible goverment in place .   You said 
:It may be better to invest in the long term agenda upfront.    As you can see 
from the conversation above , I do get the impression that you may perhaps have 
a plan (which differs radically from mine ) as to how we set about our task . 
If so , I would be grateful if you can put your ideas forward . If you can 
convince me of a better alternative, I would be more than happy to support your 
efforts ( even if it involves switching my political affiliations.....I hope 
that last statement clears any final doubts in your mind about the tunnel 
vision / blindspot stuff )   looking forward to your response, anand  ( Dr 
Anand Virgincar ) 
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?

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