New Milestone for Konkani
Tomazinho Cardozo

It was a moment of pride and honour for every Konkani loving person to see on 27th January 2008 at 10 p.m. , Mandd Sobhann, a cultural organization from Mangalore under the leadership of Shri. Eric Ozario and other choral groups singing harmoniously and continuously for 40 hours in the unique programme "Konkani Nirantari' and breaking the existing world record of 36 hours created by 'Comunidade Evangelica Luterna Sao Paulo, Brazil on July 3rd and 4th in 2004. For the first time, in the history of Konkani language, Konkani - its song and music - found a deserving place in the Guinness Book of World Records. Hats off to Shri. Eric Ozario, his team of dedicated artistes and the cultural organization, Mandd Sobhann.

I was a witness to this great event. I was pleasantly surprised to see a flawless presentation with foolproof coordination that adhered to all the rules and regulations set by the Committee of the Guinness Book of World Records. The Guinness Book of World Records, an annual publication since 1955, lists records for a wide variety of sports, stunts and other natural phenomena. Each record must be verified by the investigator before it can be included. The very existence of Guinness Book generates a great number of attempts to establish records of feats that few people would otherwise attempt. Some of the important norms of making an effort to enter the Guinness Book of World Records through choral singing are:- ? Each singing group should have not less than 30 singers and no singer can participate in more than one group. ? No song can be repeated. ? The time gap between the end of one song and the beginning of the other song cannot exceed 30 seconds. ? No song should be of duration of less than three and half minutes. ? Singers of age less than 14 years cannot participate in this programme while those between the ages of 14 to 18 years have to get written permission from their parents. ? Prelude of the song must be as brief as possible and no interlude is allowed during the rendition of the song. ? Humming in the course of singing the song is banned. ? No solo or duet singing is permitted while different voices - alto, tenor, etc. - are encouraged to make the song pleasant and harmonious. ? The whole programme should be recorded and must be conducted in the presence of the Adjudicator deputed by the Committee of the Guinness Book of World Records.

'Konkani Nirantari' which was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D'Souza, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese on 26th January 2008, sharp at 5.45 a. m., got to its flying start at 6.00 a.m. sharp with 'SRA Sisters' - a troupe consisting solely of nuns, making an impressive presentation of melodious singing. In fact the existing record of 36 hours was broken on 27th January, the next day at 6.00 p.m. when the jam-packed Kala Angann Theatre gave a standing ovation to Mandd Sobhann for achieving a unique feat at the international level.

This mega event saw 43 singing troupes perform, out which 37 were from Mangalore Diocese itself. Two troupes from Goa , two from Bombay and one from Bangalore and Mysore each also participated in the event. The total number of singers who participated in the event was 1711 who rendered 645 different songs in Konkani. Each troupe presented about 14 to 15 songs within a period of approximately 60 minutes. The next song started within a time gap of 5 to 10 seconds. The change over from one group to another was meticulously planned and that too took place within 5 to 10 seconds. On the whole, the singing was impressive and well-coordinated with different voices blending harmoniously together.

The Adjudicator, Mr. Keith Pullin, who was deputed by the Committee of the Guinness Book of World Records, observed everything that was happening with his eagle like eyes. When I contacted him after about 23 hours of singing and asked for his comment on the performance he remarked, " The show is excellent. The organizers have taken care of the smallest of the small things to ensure fool-proof organizational professionalism. If the same trend continues till the end, I shall be handing over to them the prestigious certificate from the Committee of the Guinness Book of World Records." And the marathon 40 hours singing by multiple singers ended at 10 p.m. on 27th January without any flaws. A new record was established. The flag of Konkani rose to the highest level due to the untiring efforts of our fellow brothers in Mangalore.

A feat of such a magnitude was possible only because of the love the Mangaloreans have towards their mother tongue, Konkani. It was possible because of the unity among the Konkani-loving people in Mangalore. They strengthened their unity by maintaining the script of their choice, Kannada, for their mother tongue, Konkani. In unity, they resisted and defeated all the moves of vested interests to impose Devnagori script for Konkani on them. They are happy and are prospering day by day because they have chosen the script of their liking for their mother tongue. And this is the root cause of the success they have achieved in promoting Konkani in a big way. We Goans, who live in Goa - the Konkani Heartland or "Konknnichem Mull Pitth" - have to learn a lesson or two from our fellow Konkani protagonists in Mangalore.

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