The demand for legitimizing  'Noise Pollution' in the State.

After the Transport (bus and truck) operator's deadline to the government to
scrap the speed regulators or else..  the GTEA along with the political
parties are drumming support for increased noise pollution.  One cannot but
marvel at the gall these guys have.

I am  the general secretary of  'Goa Environmental Action Group' a NGO
established in 1997 mainly to fight wide-spread and indiscriminate noise
pollution in the state caused by funnel or horn speakers.  I am also the
general secretary and the co-founder of the Goa Su-Raj Party established in
the year 2000 with the main objective - to prove that 'politricks', which is
the common fare dished out today,  is not 'politics' that should be, and
that politics need not be dirty, it can also be clean. I am also on the
citizen's committee (North Goa) constituted  by the High Court of Bombay at
Goa which is exploring ways and means to contain the noise pollution in
general which is on the increase.

I have gone to the High Court  in suo moto writ Petition No. 97 of 1997 on
noise pollution and since then I have been fighting tooth and nail to get
redress. I have restrained myself from going into 'Contempt of Court' so
far. But that situation could change. Slow but steadily the awakening has
come to the  people of Goa about the ill effects of  noise pollution on
children, students, the sick and the elderly, but the pro-noise forces are
becoming ever so emboldened due to the lax implementation of the laws and
rules in force.  I have been shouting from roof-tops all this while that
Madhya Pradesh Control of Loud Music (one page) Act is inadequate for a
State like Goa whose people grow up with music in their blood,  and that it
should be replaced with a more stringent indigenous Act which will protect
our culture which goes hand in hand with music,  and at the same time
protect us from the crippling noise pollution.

Prior to my going to Court in 1997, I had approached Dr. Wilfred D'Souza,
the long serving medicine man turned legislator, literally begging him to
introduce a 'private member's bill' in the Goa Legislative Assembly to bring
the noise pollution menace, which was getting out of hand, to order. His
response to me was " you draft the required bill and I will have it passed"
He had also made the following statement in the presence of others at his
residence.  "When my neighbour is enjoying,  who am I to tell him to stop?"
To that I had asked the good doctor " Your neighbour is enjoying himself at
ungodly hour by tying a horn speaker to the highest tree, at what cost?"
And in frustration I had told him " If Goa's 40 MLAs cannot bring in a piece
of legislation which Goa badly needs to save its sanity as well as its music
loving culture and instead  has to rely on a one page imported lame Act from
Madhya Pradresh,  it is a shame"  I am sad to say that  the same Dr. Wilfred
D'Souza, having failed to bring in amendment to the 10 p.m. deadline for
playing of loud music in public and open spaces, is today dancing to the
tune of 'noise polluters' who want to make money at the cost of the peace
and sanity, in the name of tourism.

There are a lot of arguments put forth in favour of increasing the dead-line
from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. One such argument is about  Christian weddings,
Church, Temple  functions etc. I am a son of Goa and I have grown up in Goa
to weddings, Church and Temple  functions et al. At that time there were no
amplifying systems by virtue of there being no electricity. We used to have
weddings, dances, tiatrs just a well and everyone entertained themselves to
the hilt without there being complaints. On the contrary these were eagerly
looked for and it used to be a pleasure to dance to the sweet natural music
striking the whole night long  upto  4-5 a.m. As a teenager, I remember
having come home at 6 in the morning from wedding and dances. 'Alwaratzs'
(special musical interludes) where brass bands  used to strike at 4 a.m. on
local church feast days with no one complaining. Enter civilization through
electrification, we got funnel speakers blaring out distorted amplified
bajaans and devotional/film songs  day in and day out  from 4 a.m till 2 a.m
especially during festive seasons. I could write a book on my struggle with
the funnel speakers. The Rural Development Agency (RDA) made it worse by
dishing out this noise generating units at subsidized rates to generate
employment where 2  funnel speakers and an amplifier could be had by anyone
owning  a bicycle so that this could be rented out for local functions. Thus
the proliferation of religious functions and noise to destroy the unique
peace and tranquility of pristine villages of Goa.   As according the Dr.
Wilfred D'Souza, it is okay if someone wants to enjoy music or wants to test
his/their tonsils over the microphone with no consideration for the
neighbour, because he needs their votes.  Most often,  I found the inmates
of the respective house fast asleep at 5 a.m. inside, while death was being
spewed to the entire village  from a funnel tied to the tree in the compound
and facing away from the house.  At one time the Police Inspector at Mapusa
PS asked me a pointed question when I had gone to register my complaint. "
You are the only one who is getting disturbed? We don't see any one else
around complaining" To that  my response was " Inspector, you must realize
that I am the only one who is still alive. The rest are all dead. By the way
do you know that Mr. Ambedkar wrote the Constitution just for me? And if you
think I require hundred others to file behind me to register my complaint,
you are sadly mistaken. You please get up from that chair to respect my
rights or you arrest me". And I got my rights.

Insensitive people like Dr. Wilfred D'Souza never intervened to help out
then.  The problem grew in time  to rock Goa out of sanity with 10,000 watt
+ music being played from open air venues left right and center. That is
when the Act of Parliament and the Order of the Supreme Court came into
action with the slapping of 10 p.m. deadline because sensitive people and
sensitive organization objected to this cancer, nation-wide. If at all the
blame has to be placed somewhere, it has to be placed at the feet of our
elected representatives. For that reason alone,  on the one hand,  the
truckers and the bus people are telling us that they want to do their
business irrespective of how many innocent people they kill or maul on the
roads through irresponsible speeding, and, on the other hand,  GTEA and the
merry making zing-bang in the hospitality business is telling us that they
don't care if we go mad,  that they want to do  their business of pleasing
the tourists and make money.

In my interaction with the officials on the High Court instituted citizen's
committee, I have suggested a new format for application for use of loud
music in open air spaces, irrespective of whether they are hotels
entertaining by the pool-side, discos or open-air wedding venues. I have
ridiculed the importance given to the 'decibel meters', the toys that let
the crooks off the hook for consideration. According to me, the best decibel
meter is the human ear. It revolts when the decibel level crosses the mark
of decency. Decibel meters are designed to determine the noise impact of
fixed installed machinery /equipment over the surrounding areas and to limit
the same thereof. Not for audio equipment with volume controls.

What happens with open-air loud music is that while the audiences enjoy the
blast having been covered by the entire spectrum of audio frequencies
(Low-Mid-High range),  a person trying to get some much desired sleep some
20 kilometer or more away is disturbed by the irritating low frequency, the
bass, which travels as ground-wave, with other frequencies having been lost
in the atmosphere. And the worst agency that could be given the
responsibility to oversee this aspect is the Pollution Control Board, as
suggested by GTEA. Before a permission is given to play loud music, the
respective Dy. S.P. has to give the NOC. In case of violation or a
complaint, the police should be the authority which will clamp down on the
violator, not the pollution control board or the  Collector.

The editorial of Gomantak Times (2 Feb, 2008) has summed it all up most
effectively. I am happy to note the voices of dissent, individually and from
some political parties.  This is a technological age. Just because those who
are in the hospitality business are hollering about their right to disturb
others to make money from the dancing tourists,  the rights of the whole lot
of people not to be disturbed can be waived off?  In my qualified opinion,
all open air-venues must either conform to 10 p.m. deadline or close down.
Also, it does not mean that they can blast the neighbourhood to kingdom come
upto 10 p.m. Neither does it mean that the music should be stopped
altogether after 10 p.m. As a rule, üpen-air venues in thick residential
areas must be closed down  with or without 10 p.m. deadline, or, they have
the option to sound-proof their venues (including their tourist boats) and
conduct their  business 24 x 365 days with nobody to  bother them, least,
the police. And,  by the way, the police is there to take-in not only
professional criminals, but also petty criminals like the guys in the
entertainment business, and more so because they are in business for their
own good and nobody else's.

In short, the noise pollution in the state must be tackled through
sensibilities and not through decibel meters. As much as every one has the
right to enjoy, every one has the right not to be disturbed. And the balance
can be found through sensible laws. But to make sensible laws, it takes
sensible people, not vote-seeking and favours-pandering politicians who
basically do not know how the goose is cooking.

Floriano Lobo
Pirazona, Moira,
Bardez-Goa-403 507
Ph: Res: 0832 - 2470223  Off: 0832-2266111   (M) 9890470896
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