Terror Destination
EDITORIAL - Navhind Times

The Goa police has been consistently denying the existence of Muslim
fundamentalists in the state, but the fact that they have not only
been visiting but also planning to carry out serial blasts has been
corroborated by Nasir Riyazuddin, an engineering college dropout from
Hyderabad who was arrested along with his accomplice Mohammed Ghouse
on January 11 at Honnali by the Karnataka police. In his confessional
statement to the Karnataka police he revealed that after the twin
Hyderabad explosions of August 25, in which not less than 30 persons
lost their lives, he had visited Goa and identified four beaches to
carry out his operation.

Though the police are yet to find out and ascertain the facts and also
the reasons for delaying his plan of action in Goa, this revelation
reinforces the apprehension that Goan beaches have been a target of
the Islamic militants. Nasir, the Pakistan-trained terrorist may
retract his statement given to the Karnataka police before the court
as given under duress, but what is really shocking is the utter
failure of the Goa police and its intelligence wing, which claim to be
thorough professionals, to identify and keep track of his activities.
Going by his confession, Nasir has been regularly coming to Goa but
surprisingly the police did not have any information about his
movements. This undoubtedly reflects upon the functioning of the Goa
police and its intelligence wing. It is customary to deploy the police
particularly during the evening in the areas frequently visited by the
people. But there is no proper arrangement in most of the places.

The fact that Nasir has been a hardcore terrorist and involved in the
operation to carry out serial blasts is confirmed by the records of
Gujarat and Hyderabad police. It was only after receipt of the
information of his arrest that the Goa police rushed to Davangere in
Karnataka to interrogate him. Just after assuming charge, the Home
Minister, Mr Ravi Naik had promised to strengthen the police and its
intelligence wing and make them proactive, but this incident simply
underlines the belief that it was mere rhetoric and no serious efforts
have been initiated in this direction. Or, what is the plausible
explanation for the intelligence failure to detect and identify them.

It would not be exaggeration to say that Goa police have also not
taken seriously the style of operation of the terrorists: killing
innocent people at religious places and railway stations. Goa has been
a favourite tourist destination. Lakhs of tourists come to Goa to
enjoy their holidays. Even a small act would witness huge casualties.
In this backdrop the Goa police ought to have been more alert and
agile. The police authorities cannot deny the charge that policing and
intelligence gathering have not been up to the set standard. If Delhi
and Mumbai police could flush out a terrorist from among crores of
people, why could the Goa police not identify a terrorist in a state
having only 14 lakh population?

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