While the Goa governments (of whichever party) offers tall promises
about how IT savvy they are, what great plans they has to offer
broadband connectivity across the state, or give almost-free computers
to 25,000+ students, the fact is that this technology is hardly used
effectively here.

While we are all good at incurring expenses, are computers used to
actually communicate more effectively? Some time ago, I had written to
over 107 government officials as a teast case, and got back just two

Earlier this week, I was a bit surprised to find that that the
Directorate of Art & Culture (on the 5th Floor, Shram Shakti Bhavan,
Patto, Panjim ph 243 8103) actually uses a yahoo.co.in address for its
official work -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] One would have
thought that official addresses would be used for official work.

Just a thought. FN
Frederick Noronha http://fn.goa-india.org Ph +91-832-2409490

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