--- Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In this particular case, certain hindus felt
> offended (as is their right to be offended) 

This whole argument is very ironic. You were most
eloquent about Janajagruti's right to host an
exhibition about Kashmiri pundits. Obviously freedom
of speech extends only to the majority sentiments,
while the minority should be happy to be second class
citizens of India, with their freedom of speech being
a selective issue. It's reasoning like this, that will
be the death of modern, secular India.

I advise everyone to visit HJS's website and see how
organisations such as these are bent on fracturing


To Sonia Gomes:
I'm sorry you find MF Hussain's art offensive. A visit
to a European or American museum or art institution
(anything post Picasso and Weber) and you will find a
plethora of objectionable art especially insensitive
to Christians.

The point is not whether MF Hussain's art is
objectionable or not, it is that our intellectuals
should be given space to breath and think even if
their thought-processes are distasteful to us.


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