Dear Dr.Gilbert,
Thanks for your appreciation and support.

On a personal level, I see many situations where science will find it difficult to explain. Not infrequently, I will see a patient I have treated with advanced cancer, who with overwhelming statistics is supposed to live for about 4 months. Yet, the patient is alive three years later, without cancer. I could say their survival was because of the radiation that I administered. Or would I rather say (to myself), as this patient embraces me with gratitude that, "this is a 'miracle patient'; and I am glad that I was an instrument in God's hand"? Is this Religion VS Science? Or is it Religion AND Science?
*We face such questions and situations. I would be strict in having a thorough investigation by competent people. I would not say that every healing is a miracle, but there can be an 'extraordinary healing' and a 'true miracle' with all the required conditions. It is up to the physician to say that this is not possible for the medical science. The theologian will say: This is God's intervention. I have heard physicians speak of 'miracles' even within their own specialization. Miracles should not be cheapened. I read about Miracles of Lourdes. Out of 7,000 there are only 67 accepted as true miracles. They are carefully investigated by the Medical Bureau and then submitted to the judgment of the Theological Committee.

Here is the procedure followed in Lourdes:
"Medical Bureau" has two different meanings. It is, first of all, a place in the Sanctuary with two offices where a Doctor practices. This Doctor receives the declarations and begins an examination of the facts according to the traditional criteria as it was defined in the 18th century by Cardinal Lambertini the future Pope Benedict XIV for the process of beatification (There are some modifications).

If the case appears serious, the doctor arranges a Medical Bureau which is a consultation where all the medical Doctors, regardless of their religious persuasion, present in the Sanctuary on the day may attend.

If the Doctor of Lourdes and the gathered medical bureau find in favour the file is sent to the International Medical Committee of Lourdes (C.M.I.L.). This is made up of some 20 members, respected in their own particular area. This committee has been in existence since 1947. In 1954, Bishop Théas wanted it to have a true international dimension.

This committee is chaired jointly by the Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes and one of its members nominated by the Bishop for a set period of time which can be renewed. The doctor of Lourdes is the secretary to this committee.

This committee makes a judgement about a case. One or more of its members are then charged with examining it in detail and informing himself on all the medical literature published on related subjects... The person charged with the case may consult with colleagues on the outside. Normally the person concerned is not summoned to be present.

The Committee meets once a year, in the autumn. They examine the current files. When everything is in place (this can take some time), the Committee decides by way of a vote whether to declare or refuse to confirm that this cure is inexplicable according to present scientific knowledge. A two-third majority is required for an affirmative vote.

The medical result is sent to the Bishop of the Diocese where the cured person lives. The Bishop would, naturally, have been kept up to date with the proceedings. If it appears that the result is going to be positive, the Bishop is advised, in advance, to set up locally a small Medical Committee which can, at the given moment, consider the conclusions of the Committee.

In the light of current events, the Bishop can decide or abstain from recognising the "miraculous" character of this cure.

The current attitude of Doctors is very respectful of the Magisterium of the Church. As Christians, they know that a miracle is a spiritual sign. They don't want to be judges on this matter. Moreover, for a modern mentality, it is difficult to say that something is "inexplicable". They can only say that it is "unexplained".

+Jacques Perrier
Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes
17 March 2003

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