Hello Eric

Just a small correction to the Goanet website below regarding my brother

Lisbert was never in Spain for Philosophy and neither did he do his Ph.D
in Chicago. 

He did his Ph.D in Philosophy in England. He taught Philosophy at the
Goregaon Seminary and De.Nobli college, in Pune

He also served as Provincial-India before going to Rome.

Thank you

Hubert D'Souza (Lisbert's brother)
Toronto, Canada

eric pinto ericpinto2 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 9 13:17:45 PST 2008 
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Carona, Aldona. Born in Bombay, St. Marys School ( Jesuit ).
  Seminary- Philosophy,  Barcelona, Spain.
  Ph.D., Chicago.  
  He once served as Provincial in Bombay, and has been Assistant to the
Society General  in Rome for several years.

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