----- Original Message -----
From: Goa Suraj Party
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 7:36 PM
Subject: Press statement for kind favour of publication.


To, The Editor,
Navhind Times/Navprabha, Gomantak Times, Gomantak, Pudhari, Tarun Bharat,
Goan Observer, Ixtt, Gulab, Sunaparant, Deccan Herald, Time of India, Asian
via e-mail


Subject: Press Statement for kind favour of publication.

Attached herewith please find the party's views on the ongoing agitation by
the people of Colomba against illegal mining.
We are hopeful that you, as the responsible arm of the 'Fourth Estate'  will
discharged your obligations so that  the people of Goa at  large know  how
this  party stands on this vital  issue which is very dear to their hearts.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Floriano Lobo)
General Secretary/Spokesperson.

Press Statement

The Goa Su-Raj Party is keenly following the people's resistance to the
unmindful and illegal exploitation of  the mineral resources of Goa,
especially the resistance of the people of Colomba in South Goa. In view of
the newspaper reports, what is all the more surprising is that the
authorities who are duty bound  to stop such activities are conniving with
the exploiters to put to shame the laws, rules and regulations that are in

The Goa Su-Raj Party is of the steadfast belief that the natural resources
of Goa such as the rich mineral diposits is the wealth belonging to the
people of Goa as a whole and not the birth-right of some selected
mine-owners just because t hey own the proper ties or have access to them
through the intervention of the central and local government officials.
These resources may be exploited diligently, without permanently disturbing
the environmental and ecological balance provided the people also benefit
from this explotation. However, it is sad to note that the people of Goa who
are the real stakeholders of this God given wealth are neglected and/or
taken for granted to the extent that their mere existence is made impossible
due to their immediate environment  being polluted, their health undermined
due to uncontrolled dust pollution, and  most importantly, their livelyhood
which is directly related to the environment such as agriculture, access to
forest produce and wild-life is jeopardised. This Party also believes that
if the benefits of these wealth resources of Goa do not benefit the people
directly or indirectly, these resource should not be allowed to be exploited
by a few  or the Governmental authority and must remain as it is,

The Goa Su-Raj Party is one in solidarity with the sentiments of the people
of Colomba in their hour of distress.


GOA needs a 'REVOLUTION' if it is to see better days.
Goasuraj is that revolution. It needs your support.
Website: www.goasu-raj.org
Ph: 2266111 - (M) 9890470896

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