<only the obscurantist would eulogize the unlivable, noxioushellhole that is
Mumbai (or any other Indian city for that matter). This romanticizing of
Mumbai as some kind of a didactic beehive of human experience is pure
hogwash, peddled by either the Marxists or by somemiddle-class residents of
Mumbai who want to earnestly believe inthe delusion as a palliative from the
day-to-day pain that is thecity. On virtually every index of the quality of
life that you can conceive, these Indian cities flop, and flop miserably.
Goa is (still, but not for long)the last refuge of the good life in India. I
submit that we Goans must do whatever it takes to keep it that way.>

A classic example of "turning-the-clock-backasswards", while throwing the
baby of Indianness out with the bathwater of its many known ills.

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