I cannot forget what this man did.  How can we forget when someone as HIGH (& 
mighty as some posters have noted here) as MFH, when he is so well adored by 
most of the posters on this forum who purport him to be amost god-like himself 
(and we must feel SORRY for him, as he has to flitter from country to country, 
to escape his foolishness).
  I am also sorry, if he were to apologise for his actions, IN PUBLIC, then I 
am willing to let this die down, also if he will seek to have these paintings 
no longer on public view, I will be calm about it.
  But I doubt if this will happen, noteriety makes money.  He will go to his 
maker soon enough, but his family will be well taken of, with the money he has 
made from all this confusion he has created.
  MFH has divided this forum and possibly many other forums & neighbours from 
each other, on religious grounds.
  While we are all arguing about this, someone is knocking down the environment 
of Goa & cementing it over.................... 
  Perhaps MFH would like to paint another picture?
  ......................... naked Goa?  Stripped of its assets by corrupt 
politians, of no particular religion you will notice............. Makes one 
wonder which side or whose we are all on. I argue to be left alone to pray & 
devote my energies to the betterment of manking, not only in Goa but to 
contribute occasionally (albeit not as fluent as some posters) but we need to 
wake up from this nightmare.
State but there is a long and arduous fight to keep Goa, Konkani, The Arts (in 
ALL its forms that do not demean one's faith or race/caste), but above all keep 
  John Monteiro
  John Monteiro

Kamalaksh Chari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Lets forget about his paintings of nude Hindu gods and godesses..as someone 
may still see it as an modern or some other art or may be MF taking undue 
advantage of Hindu tolrance.
But he went to the extent painting his own mother India nude? He was so 
obsessed in nudity, vulgarity that he didn't even left mother India from being 
a part of his so called art.

Why don't he paint his mother or sister or his own gods in the same manner?
Where are all secularists hiding now? Or their secularism limited only to 
particular section of society?



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