I must thank Valmiki Faleiro for suggesting two corrections to my post on
Cabo Raj Niwas. I had collected the historical information on Cabo Raj Niwas
through my contacts from Directorate of Information, of course unofficially
and not through RTI. I realized Valmiki is more right than the information I
had got.


In his message he used one line i.e. you are perhaps not aware that when
Delhi appoints a Guv to Goa, he comes armed with an Open General Licence to
loot and plunder. This line does convey much more than what I was expecting
is happening at Cabo Raj Niwas since independence till date. 


But I am still looking out for two answers: whether Goan Children are bared
from entering Cabo Raj Niwas and is Niwas protected all round with armed
forces these days or not.    


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad



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