  I woulk like to reply, unfortunately the thread with MFH was closed & no 
further comments or opinions are permitted now, though I have seen two posters 
who have done so since its closure, one to be sarcastically say it was about 
time the thread was closed, and another who like yourself has picked up the 
thread of MFH albeit in a different mode.
  I continue to say that we should NOT tread on one another's feelings when it 
comes to faith, no matter who they are.  If my physical being takes refuge in a 
house, and since this house is my castle, then I am permitted to guard it & the 
residents in the house.  If I am physically threatened within my own house, I 
will take up arms against the intruder.
  My soul resides within my body, while I am still alive and if an intruder 
decides to intrude within my soul, I have every right to protect it & continue 
with my faith, but I take it that some religions are ok to mock, so be it.
  My sould remains within me, I have the power to forgive, this I do but I 
cannot forget the slight.....................
  In your case, it appears that politics is again mixed up with religion and 
visa versa, which to my mind is just another way of conning the public.
  Yes, only Krishna has a flute, in much the same way Jesus is seen on cross.  
Nobody would suggest that his mother, Joseph or any of the Apostles were 
crucified in the same way as Jesus was, though Peter was (upside down by his 
own request), but I guess there are painters out there in the big wide world 
that do make assumptions & do outrage others sensitives, ploughing through as 
though they have a right on artistic grounds, a license to print money from 
other's pain. Uou know that the Flute & swing seat is representative of 
Krishna, Ganesh is protrayed by the image of an elephant, not with a flute but 
holding various boons in his hands, with his vehicle, the rat a his feet.  
Krishna whilst young was caught red-handed with his hands in the butter, that 
is why he is seen with a pot of butter when he was a child, with a flute when 
  Perhaps you can modify your banner so that you can have your day at the 
temple, if you are celebrating something, then play this game the correct way, 
I am sure the opposers will not have anything to say about it, since you are 
correct in your depiction of the Hindu deities. If you keep religion & politics 
separately, there will be no issue for them to contemplate, it appears that 
they just wanted the same spot on the same time as you had been using, it was 
just a trick from their political masters.
  Good luck next time, 
  John Monteiro
sandeep heble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Some time back, more precisely during 
the Ganesh Chaturthi festival, I had a couple of visitors knocking at my door, 
complaining about a banner that was displayed outside the Mahalaxmi Temple Hall 
in Panjim. The visitors dentified themselves as members of the 'Hindu 
Janjagruti Samiti'.
Cheers Sandeep Heble 

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