Jug Suraiya in TOI, 12/2/08. " All Indians... are enthusisatic law
makers...In all our day-to-day transactions we are constantly being
motivated ...to follow a do-it-yourself [DIY] policy as far as law-making
Never in the history of jurisprudence have laws been made with such
breathtaking speed and panache...How is it that some people... think of us
collectively as being unruly and lawless? What such critics have failed to
grasp is our deep and ancient philosophy of dharmic plurality: you must
follow your dharmic path and I must follow mine and -- by golly-- not
either/or but both are right.... foreign concepts of law are premised on  a
straitjacketing, one- size-fits-all frame of reference.. an outmoded
Newtonian view...as distinct from the more advanced and evolved Einsteinian
or relativistic understanding of the way the cosmos works. .. Regrettably
there are some obscurantists even within this country -- like the EC, human
rights activists, the judiciary by and small, if not by and large --- who
are unable to take such an eclectically elastic view of legislative
activity.... In a true democracy everyone should be a legislator... " In
brief, everyone can and should take the law into their own hands to the
extent possible for the sake of our democracy! Goa can set a good example,

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