Dear Goanetters

This world would have been a better place to live if each one understood that 
God lives in the heart of men and not in the temple. If men would love men 
without looking at his name, place colour then thisworld would be a nice place 
to live. Jesus Christ, Budha, and maybe others taught the same thing. Love 
humans because they are created by the same God. Bagvad Gita contains beautiful 
passages which brings "Shanti " to the mind. People must find time and read.One 
must not say I am a catholic I do not have to read the bagvad gita. Once a 
friend of mine was telling me the meaning of the prayers which the Hindus sing 
during their pooja or Bhajan as you may call it. I really found the words 
enchanting to the heart. I cannot understand why these hymns cannot be written 
and sung in Konkani as everyone could understand them. I once read a small para 
of the Bhagvad Gita. I really liked it. But to my bad luck there were some 
passages written in sanskrit which I could not understand. When in school I 
would conduct assembly with readings from the bible, Bhagvad Gita and even 
Koran (in English) I made the Muslim student of mine translate a few passages 
of the koran in English and made them read for the assembly. I wished Icould 
get an English version of the koran. All religious books should be in English, 
Konkani and even Marathi where every one can read and appreciate the same and 
then only we will find that all religions are having the same text"Love God and 
love your neighbour" then why are we fighting and putting barb wire fence 
between human beings and human beings ? How many girls had to plan an escape to 
marry a boy of their choice because parents have put barriers and have kept 
security guards and offered threats to their children just because they belong 
to the other religion, other states, other colour, etc. Today man is separated 
from man just because he is from other caste, other creed etc. God loved the 
world that He sent his oNly son Jesus to die for us. 

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