Even more on Surviving Wedding Receptions
Third in a series of reviews by the author himself
By Cecil Pinto

We return to the wedding reception from where we left it, or rather we
return to Cecil Pinto's bestselling book, "Surviving Goan Catholic
Wedding Receptions: A must-have Manual and Guide". Verbatim excerpts
from the book, in sequential order of chapters.

Quote from Chapter 8, "Watered down Whiskey".
Along with the snacks is served the first round of beverages. Waiters
come around with huge rectangular wooden trays holding glasses
containing – multi coloured aerated soft drinks, beer, and whiskey
pre-mixed with soda. Held at the correct angle one might discern a
faint golden hue from this soda-ed down drink, but considering that
the ratio of whiskey to soda is about 1:28 don't be too hopeful. You
will have to consume about 14 of these whiskey glasses to get the
equivalent of one peg into your system. And think of the trips to the
urinals. One is always then in a quandary whether to position oneself
closer to the bar or closer to the toilets. Experienced wedding
drinkers keep good insider contact with a waiter to get them stiffer
mixtures. Some weddings have a second choice of Rum, Gin or Brandy,
but rarely Feni. Why our state drink is no longer served at weddings
remains an enigma, or for that matter why the MC speaks in English and
not Konkani.

Don't be shocked at seeing young teenage boys drinking beer quite
openly. This is quite the norm at Goan Catholic celebrations and
parents turn a benevolent blind eye to this in the spirit of the
occasion. The more enterprising among the teenagers get a cooperative
waiter to pour some whiskey into their beer. Some parents can't figure
out why their teenage son is using the most foul words and puking all
the way home, when all he had was two glasses of beer. The mayonnaise,
pronounced minus, is often unfairly blamed for this effect.

Quote from Chapter 9,"Bazooka in your face".
Somewhere in the mid 1980s when video cameras (VHS format) first made
their appearance in Goa it has been convention to have a videographer
record every excruciating detail of the wedding for generations to
laugh at. Just when you're on your 26th glass of watered down whiskey,
and telling everyone at the table a naughty anecdote about when you
and the second bridesmaid were dating, a glaring bright light will
spotlight your table and stop all conversation. As the cameraman pans
around capturing everyone at the table you are expected to maintain a
deadpan expression and remain absolutely still. Smiling or taking a
sip from your glass is absolute taboo at this point. Do you want to be
remembered for generations as the guy who was drinking and talking and
enjoying himself at the wedding?

If this isn't intrusive enough there's more to come. Soon after you've
served yourself at the buffet and are stuffing yourself silly the
videographer and his assistant will ambush you from nowhere and
suddenly you will find yourself struggling to swallow a large piece of
roast tongue in the full glare of a bright light held by the grinning
assistant. Please resist the impulse to strangle the assistant or the
cameraman with the loads of coiled cable they always seem to be
carrying around.

Quote from Chapter 10, "Grin and bear the flash".
While the videographer at a wedding is intruding on and irritating the
guests, and interrupting every aspect of the wedding, the still
photographer is busy staidly 'documenting' the occasion. Please be
nice to the man. He has been up since afternoon faithfully recording
the 'blessings' at both houses and has witnessed the expected inter
and intra family conflicts from then on right through the nuptials and
here. And he's supposed to grin and bear it all too. Remember the
still photographer is not meant to be artistic or catch candid
moments. His job is to neutrally document (as in documentary) all
important aspects of the wedding and give these photos to the couple
later in a standard wedding album with as little variation as possible
from any other wedding album. "Champagne Uncorking", "Cake Cutting",
"Toast", "Replying to Toast", "First Steps", "Buffet Examination",
"Brides's Extended Family" etc etc.

God forbid that he takes a candid photo of the little flower girl
playing with the confetti on the floor, or the cute little page boy
lying fast asleep across two plastic chairs or the elderly uncle
grinning apologetically as he tries to carry five whiskey glasses at
one go. We can't have such fun stuff in the wedding album can we? No!
The photographers job is to provide serious posed stiff photos that
can be used to settle any family conflicts later. The candid shots can
be done by the guests with their mobiles and compact digital cameras.

Quote from Chapter 11, "Cha.. Cha.. Cha..nge the music"
We are approaching the point where the wedding is slowly but certainly
taking on a life of its own. Enough alcohol has been consumed for
inhibitions to loosen. The bachelors and spinsters with hormones
raging have made their initial verbal forays and have their "Partners
ready for the next set", as the MC announces. The younger folks have
moved past comparing their latest cellphones competitive features and
are also keen on some action. The MC has been warned by the groom's
well intoxicated maternal uncle that unless everyone is on the dance
floor he will be pulverized. The old folks too are loosening up and
would like to shake a leg. The wedding band belts out the song made
popular by Lorna, "Kalzan than mog kelo…" and those who know, and many
who don't, start doing the Cha Cha Cha dance. This utterly boring and
repetitive dance, from a spectator and participant point of view, does
not allow enough scope for choreographed consensual frottage (referred
to as 'touch dancing' in South Goa) as say the fast waltz or the
Konkani Masala Mix that follows. But it serves as an appetizer and a
promise of things to come.

Let's pause here as the band plays "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps…" and
return when things really start gyrating.

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 14th February 2008

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