*Do you know how to flavor olive oil?*

Learn how to flavor olive oil without making a complete mess of things ...

*black truffle oil*

Flavored olive oils taste absolutely delicious!...

Wonderful for drizzling over salads, as a dip or marinade, for rubbing into
meat or chicken before cooking ... an elegant bottle of flavored extra
virgin olive oil also makes a novel and attractive gift.

You can buy superb ready-infused olive oil from specialized shops.

But, maybe you wish to try your hand at concocting your own? ...

*what type of olive oil?*
First of all, you'll need to select your oil ...

Choose a quality - preferably affordable! - extra virgin olive oil.

*Why extra virgin?...* Well, because of its superior taste - not to mention
amazing health benefits!

Unfortunately, the United States is not, as yet, a member of the
International Olive Oil Council. Consequently, any US oil labelled as being
"extra virgin" is meaningless.

*Avoiding contamination*
When flavoring olive oils at home which you plan to keep for several months,
you must be extremely careful to avoid botulism.
*What should I do to avoid botulism then?*
Well, bacteria will not develop on oil, but it can grow on water, so
absolutely no water should be allowed into your oil.

Because of this, you musn't use fresh herbs, garlic, lemon etc ... unless
you're only infusing small quantities of oil, which you'll store in the
fridge and use within a few days.

Instead, use dried herbs to make any flavored olive oils you wish to keep
longer than a week.

You'll discover two basic recipes below ... first, an infused olive oil
recipe using dried herbs, which can be stored for up to one year ...
followed by a flavored extra virgin olive oil recipe using fresh herbs for
more immediate use.

*How to flavor olive oil - using dried herbs*

 1. First of all, you'll need to choose your herbs and prepare them.
Sprigs of dried rosemary or thyme look visually extremely attractive in a
bottle ... not to mention tasty! Other dried herbs you may wish to consider
are basil, tarragon, oregano, bay leaves, parsely, mint ...

You can either buy your herbs ready-dried from a shop ... or dry your own.

If choosing the latter, you'll need to gently rinse your fresh herbs, pat
dry, tie in bunches with string, then hang upside-down in an airy but
warmish room for a few weeks, until the stalks no longer bend but break.

Or ... you could use a food dehydrator.

2. Next, select bottles/containers that can be tightly sealed.

Sterilize by placing in boiling water for 10 minutes, ensuring they're
completely dried afterwards.

3. Fill the bottle/container up to a quarter full with your dried herbs and
top with extra virgin olive oil, using a small funnel if necessary.

4. Close tightly and leave to infuse in a dark place, away from heat, for
around a month before using.

*Using this method, your flavored olive oils can be kept up to one year.*

*how to flavor olive oil - using fresh herbs*

With this second method, you'll be using fresh herbs.
Mix a day prior to use, to give the flavors time to infuse. Store in the
fridge - covered with cling-film - removing about an hour before needed so
that it returns to room temperature.

You'll be able to keep it several days in the fridge ... but no longer than
a week.

Mix together the following ingrediants - or those which appeal or you have
in the cupboard - to achieve a delicious infused olive oil ...


2 cups of extra virgin olive oil
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 sprig fresh oregano
2 fresh bay leaves
1 clove garlic - peeled and crushed
Few red pepper flakes or chili (optional)


edu's world
sharjah city

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