To Goanet -

Sorry, Dr. Helekar, you have lost the recipe now.  Your
current post provides evidence to refute your earlier
post.  Wow, priceless!

Warm regards,


Santosh Helekar wrote:
>In his latest installment Dr. Parrikar confuses the
>scientific method with the trivial act of digging
>through the Goanet archives. 
>Reading what he has dug out of the archives again only
>confirms my earlier suspicion that his statements on
>what he refers to as the ghanti affliction are far
>from being coherent, thoughtful and level-headed.
>Here are some examples of his wildly inconsistent and
>slapdash claims: 
>1. "Every piece of unthinking rubbish, every concrete
>atrocity (in Goa) is an Indian contribution"
>2. "Nobody I know to be sensible has claimed that
>bhaile and ghatis are the "root cause" of the
>destruction of Goa"
>3. "the great virtue of Goa (is) in being not-India”
>4. "Here I have addressed the ghati menace but this is
>really a part of a bigger affliction." 
>5. "A sea of ghatis and migrants have encroached on
>our land, have created civic, social, and law-&-order
>issues. The rich Indians have descended on Goa with
>their own brand of poison.  The tide shows no signs of
>6. "It has never been anybody's case that the migrants
>are the ONLY major problem currently wracking Goa, as
>claimed by the Marxist gits."  
>7. "You only have to look at the stinking dumpsters
>EVERY Indian city and town has turned into.  Do we
>want Goa, the final bastion of civilized living in
>India, to be conjoined to an identical fate?" 
>8. "Outsiders are not the ONLY problem, but they are A
>problem, and a major one at that."

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