Dear all,

It appears now that common sense has prevailed and that there are increasing
voices favouring the position that this forum must allow /invite crucial Goa
politicians to speak their mind on GoaNet.

I applaud those who have not supported censorship, In addition, I have the
following suggestions and comments:

1: If we are truly interested in a dialogue with the Goa Politicians (GP
henceforth) - we should allow the GP the courtesy of our civility towards

2: Our questions should be directed to a group of "moderators" (my
suggestion ...selected from Floriano/Anand/Miguel/Rajan/Sandeep and George

3: The questions the moderator group decide upon - should ideally be
reposted on GoaNet before they are asked of the GP....This is NOT to quarrel
about which question was left out and why ....but to satisfy the broader
group that We are NOT using this opportunity to merely Beat Up on any given

4: We should be fair and equitable - understanding that ALL of us make
mistakes which we regret. The object of these conversations should be to
work towards the NON-Repetition of the serious past errors.....and to work
towards a solution of Goa's problems.

5: I will be quite clear about my understanding of this matter (limited as
it may be). I consider Manohar Parrikar to be one of the best (electable)
individuals who can take Goa out of this present mess. I see Digambar Kamat
as another of those individuals. Unfortunately - in this bitter political
struggle for power,  Goa is slipping further into the abyss of filth et al
courtesy third parties.

6: I note that the vast majority of the alleged 10,000+ GoaNetters have been
pretty silent on this matter.

7: My questions (and just like the other Vincentian on this list ...Marshall
Mendonca ... I might have more) are as follows:

Dear Mr. Parrikar,

I do intend to write a more detailed letter to you - sometime next weekend-
but for now here are my questions which you may wish to consider. Some of
them have already been placed by others.

a: Please advise us on the Neri signature forgery case.

b: Please advise us why a "hands on" person like you pushed the
responsibility of the VideoCD on a "Katho-lick" (courtesy IBN video)

c: Please advise us why you made a deal with known party-hoppers and
allegedly shady character-politicians just to get into the koddel.

d: Please advise us how you supported Konkani in the Romi script

e: Please advise us what you did to keep Anjadiva and Dabolim in Goan hands
... and what happened to your efforts

f: Please advise us of the amount the Goa Govt paid to cover expenses of
BJP bigwigs and small wigs (+ their families and friends) visiting from
Delhi and elsewhere - and HOW much of those expenses resulted in benefit for
Goa and Goans - in real terms.

g: Please advise us IF you believe that you personally (or collectively
through the principle of collective Cabinet responsibility) did anything
which was wrong and/or corrupt.

h: Please advise us if ANY non-regional political party benefited from LARGE
financial contributions from Goans.

i: Please advise us if there are any grounds for us to believe that certain
individuals opposed to you were harassed by the officials of the Govt during
your stint.

PN: I understand your predicament. You are personally honest and
hardworking, and yet have two "crosses" you carry. One is that you
are tied to the Delhi political high-command. Two - you wish to be fair and
equitable to everybody irrespective of their religious or political
affiliation ...BUT ...if you are PERCEIVED by your voter-base as being too
kind to the Goa Catholics might just lose their support. ( A legacy
of the divisive Bandodkar MGP policies)

So, Mr Parrikar, How do you plan to be Fair and Equitable .....and yet
...have the necessary voter-support to be a good CM?

PS: I have this feeling that you will return to be CM in the near future. I
just wonder whether your voter-base and your ties will allow you to be what
you really would like to be and what you certainly are capable of?


jose colaco

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