Lawlessness in Anjuna

28 Feb: Ekstra Bladet (Denmark).  . Goa is lawless and mob rule prevails.
Jonas Frantsen, a Dane, experienced this on a trip to Anjuna .One night the
locals caught a thief and they tied him up and beat him.  They would have
burnt him alive if the police had not arrived but as they took him away in
their car they could be seen clubbing him. Text (in Danish) and photographs.

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Dane is witness to torture in Goa - Band of thugs wanted to burn thief

The tourist paradise Goa in the western part of India, is in certain areas
both a hard-nosed and almost lawless society, where the street parliament
often acts both police, judge and executioner.

This reality was meet by the dane Jonas Frantsen on his trip to Anjuna, that
is known as one of the largest party towns for young people, but also a
place where law enforcement is both corrupt and ego-minded. In the area
where Jonas resided with two friends is often visited by thief's, and one
night the friends woke up by a terrible noise.

Lynch Mob Mentality

- It appeared that the locals had caught a thief. Men, women and children
gathered around the man, who was tight around his hand and feet, says the
dane to Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet.
- It was plain torture. The chocked man where beaten all over his body with
clubs and poured with burning plastic and gasoline. There was a feeling of
lynch mob mentality. They would have burned him - if the police had not
arrived, says Jonas Frantsen.

Tortured for fun

- He was thrown into a police car. When the car had disappeared, we could se
one of the officers hit the thief with his stick. The never returned to
interrogate us, so we don't know what happened to the thief he says.
- There was is an acceptance of self-justice in Goa, if they want scare
people from committing crimes. The police is not there for the people. They
are only there for the bribery. That is the reality down here. You can take
care of yourself.
- On the other side the morale is so rotten that the might as well have
tortured him just for the fun of it, says Jonas Frantsen.

By David Andersen

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