When I wrote my opinion in the post above, that sex
and religion are better kept private, an example of
why is being illustrated in the current unresolvable
merry-go-round between Santosh the Scientist and Ivo
the Evangelist.  I, however, perversely enjoy reading
their arcane sophistries that are getting more
cerebral and/or celestial and/or dense with each post,
while the rest of us seem afraid to go where even
angels fear to tread - the intellectual maelstrom
between a highly-motivated atheist scientist and a
highly-motivated religious evangelist:-))
They apparently derive immense pleasure in their pawky
dialog, which is what a forum like this is all
about:-))  It obviously provides respite from their
alternative lives, where one works to decode the
mysteries of the universe while the other teaches his
version of who coded the universe in the first place.
I'm just happy to be here, regardless of whether I got
here by evolution or creation, or both:-))
How about you?

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