Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 14:16:03 +0530
By Jason Keith Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This had not been my own response; my own had been to
fume and remark on the manner in which the Goan Muslim
had once more been written out of the equation. My
friend's response though scored higher  on two counts,
not only did he manage to humourously ridicule this
suggestion (as it should have been) but the man had
also hit the nail on the head and unlocked in an
instant the key to understanding the emergence of
communal tensions in our fair (?) land.
It has been going on for sometime, but since the past
few years one hears a number of Catholic Brahmins
stand up to proclaim their Saraswat status. To be
proud that they were (are?) Brahmin we can argue is as
old as the sun, but to see themselves as Saraswat is a
relatively new phenomenon.
Mario asks:
Upper-caste Catholics?  Isn't that a non sequitur? 
Oh, I forgot!  These are the Super-Catholics who need
a device to feel superior to everyone else!
Here we go again.  Yet another post confirming that
the abomination of caste is alive and well in Goa,
with some delusional Christians now taking it to
another level by claiming they are Saraswats.
No, you're neither Saraswats nor Brahmins if you are
Christians - or have you missed the fact that Christ
taught that all men and women are equal in the eyes of
God?  Remember Christ, the man whose teachings  you
also claim to follow?
How can you be so arrogant as to think that you can
make yourselves superior to your fellow man, not by
anything that you have done or achieved, but simply by
your accident of birth?  The very fact that you need
such self-proclaimed pretensions proves that you are
not superior to anyone.
I wonder what my friends Selma and Valmiki think about
this particular angle - that caste is inflaming
communal tensions in Goa, against Muslims.
Selma had heatedly alleged that caste was relegated to
the matrimonial columns - as if that were not bad
Valmiki had dismissively claimed that caste was no big
deal in Goa.  Oh, really?
On the other hand, we recently saw a call from Gilbert
to avoid assimilation and maintain our "identity" in
the diaspora, which would in effect continue this
reprehensible, centuries-old practice beyond the
borders of India.
It's high time that all Goans of good will stood up
and proclaimed that enough is enough, starting in
their own families, in conversations with their
friends and by their own actions.  When the topic
comes up, REJECT THE VERY PREMISE as I have done in my
opening comments above.

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