Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM MARCH 6: The Bicholim police arrested a 44 year old person
from Rumod Pali in connection with a rape

of a Vth standard minor girl.

According to the available information one Nagesh Mati Sawant (44)
from Rumod Pali was arrested under section 342,

376 IPC 8 (1) (2) of Goa Children Act for raping a 10 year old girl
from the neighborhood.

As per the reports the incident occured on Saturday at about 2.30 pm.
The accused and the victim are close neighbors

and their families were in good terms. On Saturday the mother along
with the wife of the accuse had to go for a

wedding at Ponda, so she asked her daughter to go to Sawant's house
after the school hours for food.

As per the instructions of her mother the victim went to Sawant's
house and after having food was busy watching TV.

Sawant who was under the influence of alcohol pulled the girl into the
bedroom and locked the room. The girl who

studies in Vth standard urged Sawant to let her go as she had to go
for tuitions. But the accused without paying heed to

her pleas forced

himself upon the girl. He also warned her not to disclose the incident
to her family.

In the evening when the mother arrived from the wedding the victim
narrated the whole incident to her mother.

Following the complaint from the girls father the police arrested the accused.

Bicholim police today conducted the medical examination and the
accused has been remanded to police custody.

Bicholim Police Inspector, Braz Menezes is further investigating the case.

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