I have been keeping an interested eye on every bit of news coverage
about the rape and murder of the British girl in Anjuna.

Time was when the British embassies and consular offices in the Middle
East, the sucessors of the Political Agents, were so powerful that a
mere word here and a hint there was enough to send the local emir or
sultan scurrying to do their bidding.

Brits due for questioning or due for the local jail for liquor or
fatal road offences were whisked off to the airport and thence to
Britain apparently under the very eyes of the local authorities and
sometimes with their silent assent before any action could be taken.
No doubt the next day would see a case of Scotch sent discreetly to
the house of the Big Man.

That the Goa Police is possibly one of the worst forces in the world
is no surprise to me. That they would lie, cheat, deny and accept
bribes from anyones hands is also a very part of their culture. That
they would protect one of their own bad apples is expected.

But what surprises me the most is that Britannia who ruled the waves
and all, has not been making any waves at all through their Deputy
High Commission in Bombay. A Scotland Yard investigator sent without
much fuss would defintely have lit a fire under Brar and company.


On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 5:40 PM, Goanet News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article3508351.ece
> From The Times
> March 8, 2008
> A girl's death reveals grim party paradise
> Jeremy Page in Goa

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