Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 19:15:52 -0500
From: "Roland Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
But what surprises me the most is that Britannia who
ruled the waves and all, has not been making any waves
at all through their Deputy High Commission in Bombay.
A Scotland Yard investigator sent without
much fuss would defintely have lit a fire under Brar
and company.
Mario opines:
Leaving aside the fact that it has been a long time
since Britannia ruled anything, perhaps the answer to
Roland's question lies in the fact that the incidents
in Goa are on par with similar incidents at other
tropical resorts that are popular with the Brits.
Reprehensible and sad as these individual incidents
may be, they are a very small percentage of the
millions of tourists, domestic and foreign, that flock
to Goa every year.
Most tourists know they must be careful at all times. 
However, those who choose the typical Anjuna lifestyle
of drugs and alcohol put themselves at tremendous risk
in unfamiliar territory, especially women and girls
like Scarlett Keeling.

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