*The editor, Goa net news, Please publish......
The death of Scarlet on our prime beaches of Goa has sent ripples the world
over. For sure this is just the tip of the iceberg..
As the investigation deepens and the law department hunts down the rapist
and the killer what is the law department doing in handling the so called
police officer Nelson Albuquer who tried to hush the case? Should not the
crime department consider him an accomplice to this barbaric act? Would not
the truth be revealed if this law enforceing person did his job? He for sure
needs to pay the price of this rape and murder.
Shame on the so called police and the so called protectors of law. If it was
not the determination of Scarlets mother, this case would have been closed
for good and we would still have more rapes and murders on our beaches....
Lastly my question to the Police officer called Nelson Albuquer....would you
have treated this case the same way you did for Scarlet if it happened to be
your wife or daughter or your sister.. I will await the reply......????


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