Dear Editor,

            The entire episode surrounding the recent death of the British
teenager Scarlet Eden, whose body was found on the Anjuna beach raises very
serious questions about the manner in which Goa's police department
functions.   At first, the police tried to pass off the death as a normal
case of drowning by misadventure.   Only because of the persistence of
Scarlet's mother and the adverse publicity which this incident attracted,
both in India as well as abroad,  the police has not only reopened the
investigation, but has actually registered a case of possible murder or
manslaughter.    That this had to come about only because of the persistence
of the mother speaks volumes about the incompetence of the police.   There
have been several other similar cases of deaths of foreign tourists,
specially  women, which have been covered up by the police.    It might not
be appropriate, at this stage,  to call for the reopening of those cases,
but the ham-handed manner in which the police carry out the investigations,
certainly needs to be looked into very carefully by the highest authorities.
The rot in the police force appears to have gone very deep.

            Additionally,  there are rumours flying around that there is a
nexus between the local police and the drug mafia in the coastal belts.
There is no smoke without some fire;  so these allegations need to be
investigated thoroughly by an independent agency.    The Goan citizen is
well aware of how amenable the police is to financial (and other)
allurements to bend the rules.  Corruption in the law enforcing agency is a
disastrous malfunction, and unless it is removed immediately,  Goa is going
to crash with a bang.   There is no time to pause, to take stock of the
situation.  There should be immediate action.

            In the midst of all this turmoil, the Minister for Tourism
behaves not at all like a Minister should, but like the mouthpiece for some
advertising agency.  He conveniently passes on the blame to the police and
accuses them of being responsible for Goa getting a bad press
internationally.    In the face of all the evidence to the contrary, the
Minister asserts that Goa is a safe place for foreign as well as local
tourists.  The Inspector General of Police, similarly, evades the core
problem by merely transferring a few police officers, as if transfers alone
will solve the stinking problem.

            Everyone, except the higher echelon in the Police and in the
Cabinet, is aware that certain areas have been taken over by criminal
Mafiosi - Russian, Israeli, and Kenyan.   That this has happened under the
very nose of our Government and its law enforcing  agency,  is a matter of
grave concern to the citizens.   The death of one or two tourists is not a
matter to be taken lightly.  The security of all the Goans is at stake here.
Let not our politicians continue in their blame game.  They should unite to
clean out the Augean stables of the Police establishment.

Yours truly,

Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.

Tel: 2453628.      


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