Hey friends,

I signed up for Earth Hour, 2008 at the Earth Hour website and thought I'd
tell you about it, hoping that you people would sign up too. Earth Hour 2008
is on 29 March 2008 from 8pm to 9pm. And this year, it looks like it's going
to be really really big.

On 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off
their lights for one hour - Earth Hour. This massive collective effort
reduced Sydney's energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour, which is the
equivalent effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for a year.

With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their
lights off, and unique events such as weddings by candlelight, the world
took notice. Inspired by the collective effort of millions of Sydneysiders,
many major global cities are joining Earth Hour in 2008, turning a symbolic
event into a global movement <http://www.earthhour.org/about/supporters/>.
So far, besides Sydney, there'll also be Adelaide, Atlanta, Bangkok,
Brisbane, Canberra, Chicago, Christchurch, Copenhagen, Dublin, Manila,
Melbourne, Montreal, Odense, Ottawa, Perth, Phoenix, San Francisco, Suva,
Tel Aviv, Toronto and Vancouver all turning off their lights for an hour in
the name of fighting global warming. And I'm sure there'll be more cities by
the end of March. Sign up for Earth Hour with me by visiting

Please pledge your support for this cause.
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our

Save yourself. Save the planet.

Truth Liberates,
Nigel Britto


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