Dear Goanetters,

I have been following the debate on Parrikar interview with interest. I
would like to respond to the latest post from Mr Heble.

Sandeep Heble wrote:

I will try to summarize the sequence of events on this subject to
clarify what exactly many of us are objecting to, in the hope that
better sense prevails upon both Dr Anand and Rajan; and together they
adopt postures that are fair, just and equitable to all concerned.

The sequence of Events so far:

1.      Dr Anand moots the initial proposal of uploading an interview of
Manohar Parrikar exclusively on the Goanet Forum, with Parrikar
fielding questions exclusively from Goanetters. In his post, Dr Anand
solicits questions from Goanetters for the said interview.


I checked with goanet archives and found Dr Anand's very first post on this
subject. this is what Dr Anand said:

Manohar Parrikar wishes to speak to Goanet.
*Sun Mar 2 02:24:55 PST 2008*

Dear Goanetters,

I have requested Manohar Parrikar to record a video interview for
Goanet...and he has kindly agreed.

He will answer questions posed by all of us and the videos will subsequently
be uploaded on Goanet. I have arranged for a professional videographer to
film the interview and Bab Joe ( of JoeGoaUK fame ) has agreed to assist
with transferring the CD's onto the net.
If any Goanetter wishes to be present at the session , please let me know
and I will try to make necessary arrangements.

Meanwhile, I would request fellow netters to provide a list of questions
they wish to quiz Manohar Parrikar on. Those who do not wish to do so on the
forum are welcome to mail me offline.

Please send in the questions ASAP as the interview is scheduled in a week or
luv and regards, anand

( Dr Anand Virgincar )___________Share what Santa brought you

Response to Sandeep Heble

Will you now explain to me and other Goanetters how you arrived at the
sequence of events that you mention in your long post. Where did Dr Anand
say in his above post that this interview was exclusively for Goanet?

You say you are not here for petty fights. You say that you are not writing
for one upmanship and then you go on to accuse Dr Anand of deeds which he
has patently not committed.
What is it that you find so scary about this venture? The truth that might
come out of it?

Next time you want to castigate someone, please, at least try to get the
facts right.

Dr Anil Desai

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