It's a famed beach-holiday destination, easy-going and affordable. With its rich cultural and religious traditions, Goa offers a heady mix of the old and the new. However, over the years, it has also become an attractive hang-out for socially dysfunctional people. Easy availability of drugs and its reputation as a tourist paradise where liquor flows uninterruptedly seem to have perpetuated its image as a permissive haven, away from the rough and tumble of the outside world. The idyll is shattered when something goes horribly wrong as it did with 15-year-old Scarlett Keeling, on holiday with her family from Britain.

According to reports, the teenager was drugged, raped and left on the beach to drown by a local shack manager. Outrage is being expressed at how a mother could leave her minor daughter with perfect strangers in a shack on a beach known for its rave parties and go off to another state as part of her holiday plans. Be that as it may, serious questions need to be asked on various other counts.

How is it that the drug trade in Goa is flourishing, that too, in full public view and under the nose of the state police whose duties include cracking down on such illegal activity? Consumption of locally available intoxicants like bhang and charas has been a tradition for too long to merit comment and are less harmful than the more refined and enhanced substances like laboratory-created LSD, heroin and cocaine. These are easily available on Goa's beaches, eating houses and shacks that welcome foreign visitors while discouraging locals and domestic tourists. The drugs trade presupposes international links, which is why there is a need to revisit the resident status and visa validity of the many foreigners who have made Goa their base - without, of course, turning it into an indiscriminate cleansing operation. The growth and spread of a drug mafia that might well include members of the police force, locals and some foreigners, is cause for action. It's a serious problem, and Scarlett's might not be the last such case. Goa needs an anti-drug crusade that grows out of community concern, supported by NGOs and government agencies. It was a people's movement to save the environment that aborted a government plan to set up industries in special economic zones. The people of the region should come together to clean up their home. Someone like Remo Fernandes, a Goan icon and a pacifist, could be a mascot for such a movement.

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