Dear Dr Anil (other Parrikar/ BJP Sympathizers),

Trust me on this; I have no bones to pick with anybody and I am only
saying all this in the sincere interests of Goanet and Goanetters. If
you and/or other BJP/ Parrikar sympathizer's think otherwise, try
answering these questions honestly and see for yourself whether the
issues I have been raising are legitimate or not.

1.      Dr Anand's original post makes it categorically clear that he took
Manohar Parrikar's consent for recording this interview for *GOANET*,
not for a private venture of his/ theirs. Dr Anand approached Manohar
Parrikar to do the interview for *GOANET* because of Goanet's huge
popularity and wide reach and Parrikar too gave his consent on account
of the same.  Also, Questions were solicited exclusively from
Goanetters for this venture. Am I then not justified in asking that
Goanet be given the credit which is legitimately due to it for this
venture or do you believe that Dr Anand and Rajan are perfectly right
in adopting this use-and-discard kind of policy?  And on a related
note, shouldn't the moderators/ owners have at least some say in all

2.      I have participated in several Public debates and discussions on
different issues. I have also witnessed such programmes/ shows on the
Television. Whenever the organizers/ TV Channels solicit questions
from the audience or viewers and the questions are selected, due
credit is given to the person who has crafted the question by making a
mention of his/her name along with the question.  You too may have
been a part of similar programmes and/ or may have witnessed the same
on Television and have seen the procedure followed in such instances.
Am I then not justified in demanding that Goanetters who have applied
their mind and spent their time and energy to craft the questions be
given their due individual credit?

3.      Dr Anand himself said in the past that, for this interview to be
fair, a group of moderators must prepare the final slate of questions.
Am I then wrong in demanding the same?  Won't a Panel of Moderators
ensure the sincerity, fairness and transparency of this venture? Isn't
this what Dr Anand wanted in the first place? Why are they getting
butterflies in their stomachs now?

Take out your ideological spectacles, make a fair assessment and try
to answer these questions. Dr Anand and Rajan are avoiding answering
the same. I am eagerly waiting to hear from you all on this.

Regards and good wishes
Sandeep Heble

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