                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Dear Dr.U.G.Barad,
Thanks for the sincere message given by you.
It is a delicate point to be dealt with.
We should speak without hurting anyone in their religious sensitivity.

<<<but I
> don't know how the same persons will react to calling religion to be
> private
> matter! Fr. Ivo da C. Souza might explain to us much on this issue!! I
> hope
> he explains.
> * Once we understand what Religion is, we can know whether it is
> individual or communitarian affair. Religion is a map for our human 
> existence.
It regulates our individual and social life, our relationship to God, to 
neighbour, to oneself, to the Universe.

> ...If we are to survive then we
> must muster all the courage and conviction we have and speak up, speak out
> and speak against all that is wrong within our own religious dogmas as
> well
> as that of others.
>*We can always question, and re-formulate answers. The theologian Hans Küng
>wrote his book,
"Does God exist?",
and answered after discussing in the light of Science, Philosophy, Theology,
Music in the affirmative,
namely that 'there is a God'.
We can always be critical of other religions and cultures and traditions, as
well as of our own.
That is what Catholic Theology is doing today.
You need not contradict the traditional doctrine but also re-inforce it with
new evidence.
You should remember that 'religious' language is symbolic, analogical. We
try to express the mystery of God
with human categories. Therefore, there will be different images and
metaphors for the Reality of God.
Each Religion has different or also common ones. You can correct some of

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