                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


It is the xenophobes who pride themselves as being the
real patriots. The battle here has to be between the
Indian patriots and the Goan subpatriots within their
own party, both of whom share similar instincts when
it it comes to guarding their territories. My problem
with them is not what they are or what they call
themselves and others whom they dislike, but that
there is no substance beneath their supercilious
rhetoric. No semblance of a rational and consistent
position, leading to a practical solution for Goa as a
state under the Indian union and her constitution. 

To me, abiding by the constitutional principle that
every Indian citizen has a right to settle anywhere in
her country, as recently upheld again by the Supreme
Court, is not airy idealism. It is a sober affirmation
of the settled law of the land with profound practical
implications. As I have said before, those who favor
balkanization of India have never articulated any
cogent rationale for it. Their case is essentially
rhetorical, hysterical and political - a sputtering
series of turgid rants. They have never addressed the
real causes of all the problems in any meaningful way
beyond dismissively outsourcing the blame or cursing
their petty political opponents. The mindset on
display is too vacuous to take into account the ground
realities of the demographic transformation that Goa
and the rest of India are undergoing in the 21st
century. Unless there is a genuine change in attitude
and outlook, such a mindset would always be blind to
the fact that both, the causes and the transformation,
lie within us. 

The problems facing Goa are easily recognizable for
traitors and patriots alike. They are unplanned
development, misuse of land and resources,
environmental degradation, mutilation of landscape,
overcrowding, crumbling infrastructure, and poor
living and working conditions for an expanding
underclass of migrant laborers. The answer to these
problems is also obvious to anybody who is in physical
or audiovisual contact with Goa, even to those who are
fixated on the ghats in the distance, or who let their
vision be distorted by a non-therapeutic artificial

There is nothing original about the answer. Its
appreciation does not require special knowledge or
skill. Stated simply, it is obeying the laws, properly
enforcing them, reforming outdated ones and enacting
new ones wherever necessary - laws against corruption,
misuse and pillage of land, destruction of the
environment and heritage, social discrimination and
prejudice, and exploitation of the working class. In
talking to socially conscious folk in Goa I know that
they are fully aware of all the details about them.
They know how they apply in each specific case and
their own obligation in that regard. So what one needs
is a grass roots campaign to expand this awareness
among the masses, to inspire them to hold their local
and state-wide representatives accountable through
non-violent action. 

Notice that these actions do not require banning other
Indians or foreigners from relocating to Goa. They do
not depend on a stealthy violation of the Indian
constitution nor in creating protectionist impediments
to a growing modern economy. If the separatist or
segregationist concern then is only about maintaining
the racial, casteist or cultural purity of the Goan
population then this impulse deserves nothing but
condemnation. For, the notion of purity is a figment
of an impure mind. No such state has ever existed in
our history, nor is it desirable from a biological
standpoint because endogamy has taken its toll on our
stagnating gene pool. 

Today’s ground reality of demographic transformation,
therefore, is a welcome development. Perhaps, more
than across state borders, we see it occurring in our
families. The younger generation is forging
matrimonial ties with an ever widening circle of
humanity, ignoring all geographical boundaries. To
keep pace with this dilution of Goanness the
xenophobes would have no recourse but to quickly ban
miscegenation of Goans with non-Goans, while inventing
new slurs to refer to their children and preventing
them from inheriting Goan land. 



--- anand virgincar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    List of xenophobic Goenkars who agree with Dr
> Rajan Parrikar :
>    ( specially prepared so the Indian patriots on
> this forum can write
>    to them and censure them as they did with Rajan )

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